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Home > Real Estate Edition > NRDS M1 Integration > Working With Agents > Change a Primary Agent's NRDS Status
Change a Primary Agent's NRDS Status
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An agent's status can be updated within GrowthZone and synchronized to M1. NAR defines the various agent statuses as follows:


  • Active indicates that the agent has an active membership with NAR
  • Inactive indicates that the member left voluntarily, in good standing. They may have decided not to renew their membership or may have simply resigned or retired from the business.
  • Terminate indicates that the member was dropped because they did not meet an outstanding duty or obligation. This includes an unfulfilled code of ethics violation, hearing, outstanding arbitration obligation or not taking the COE course. In other words, this member did not leave in good standing. Choosing to simply not renew their membership would not fit in this category.
  • Suspend was added to M1 for the specific purpose of tracking members who had not taken their COE course by December 31 of each quadrennial. If a member does not take the COE course by December 31, 2012 the association must suspend that member, and by March 1 must terminate the member if they have not taken the course. Therefore there should be no members with status S in M1 after March 1. 
  • Provisional status is available for associations who have adopted the Provisional bylaw. It allows you to enter a member into M1 with a Member Type of REALTOR®/REALTOR® Associate and a Status of Provisional even before they have met all the requirements for orientation, etc. NAR will provide all services to these members (magazines,, etc.) as they are considered REALTORS®/REALTOR® Associates with all rights and privileges.


Any update to the agent's status will be sent to M1.To update an agent's status:


  1. Select the agent's Real Estate tab.
  2. Click the    in the M1 Information section. NOTE: If you are NOT the POE for this agent, you are not authorized to change this information and the   will not be displayed.
  3. Ensure that Sync To M1 check-box is selected.
  4. Select the desired Status from the list.
  5. Click Done.


Once you have saved the status change will be sent to M1 with no further interaction. All fields described in Data Sent to NRDS for Primary Agents will be sent to NRDS within five minutes no additional interaction is required on your part.

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